Clutter Busters

Home Organizing Tips 

Spring may be a popular season for cleaning, but fall is a great time to get your home organized, especially if you have students who are starting school. Clutter creates chaos. Once an area gets messy and disorganized, it becomes the de facto dumping ground for everything else. Here are a few clutter busters to keep the chaos under control.
Start With the Hot Spots — Clear flat surfaces that tend to accumulate piles on a daily basis. If you find yourself tempted to leave items in those areas, replace the clutter with artful decorations to remind yourself that it’s no longer a dumping zone. Build a collection that’s full of character rather than clutter at Texas Art Asylum where the shelves are stacked high with odd objects or shop for unique home decor with regional flair at Biscuit Home
Designate a Space for Everything — Find a home for everything in each and every room of your house, including the garage. If it doesn’t fit, consider it a sign that you need to go through and purge the items you no longer use. Declutter destinations for donating items that you no longer use but are in need of a second home include The Guild Shop of St. John the Divine for consignment-worthy pieces or drop off your gently used goods at one of the many Goodwill locations in Houston. You can also schedule a pickup for your “retired” household goods with Purple Heart.  
Arrange by Frequency of Use — Keep regularly used items near the front or at eye level in closets, drawers and pantry spaces. Store the stuff you rarely use high up or in the back. Head to the Houston Food Bank with non-perishables from your pantry. Be sure to check their list for the most needed food items. 
Compartmentalize to Avoid Clutter — Use drawer dividers and storage containers to group like items together. Each compartment serves as a placeholder when items are in use, which prevents the space from being overtaken by random clutter.
Zip and Store Small Things — To keep clutter under control, group small items by category and store them in resealable plastic bags inside a larger storage container or drawer.
Swap out the Extra Stuff — Rotate clothing, toys and accessories by season so you aren’t tripping over winter boots when you’re looking for flip-flops and vice versa. This strategy also works for taming the toy room. Turn in your couture for cash with consignment-friendly boutiques, More Than You Can Imagine and The Little Bird. Try Buffalo Exchange for trendier attire. After you’ve tamed the toy room, Thread offers in-store cash and credit for stylish kids clothing, gently used toys and books, and maternity wear.